What Is Student Ministry
REFUGE refers to the total youth ministry of the POA. REFUGE consists of three major divisions: Junior High, High School, and College & Career. REFUGE Student Ministry’s purpose is to make disciples by reaching every new generation of youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our student ministry is housed in the GAMC (G. A. Mangun Center) and Family Life Center (FLC).

REFUGE Student Ministry
REFUGE refers to the total youth ministry of the POA. REFUGE consists of three major divisions: Junior High, High School, and College & Career. REFUGE Student Ministry’s purpose is to make disciples by reaching every new generation of youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our student ministry is housed in the GAMC (G. A. Mangun Center) and Family Life Center (FLC).

REFUGE - Junior High
REFUGE High School is for students in ninth through twelfth grades. We hosts a weekly Sunday School at 9:00AM in the FLC (Family Life Center) and student worship service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the GAMC (G.A. Mangun Center) Auditorium. This unique service features student worship leaders and is supported by a student team that provides everything from music and media to sound, lights, and cameras. With contemporary music, high energy, and timeless messages, REFUGE High School services are geared to the high school student. REFUGE is a vibrant student ministry connecting with youth not only in Sunday School or a POA Wednesday service, but through group gatherings, outings, activities and events.

REFUGE - High School
REFUGE High School is for students in ninth through twelfth grades. We hosts a weekly Sunday School at 9:00AM in the FLC (Family Life Center) and student worship service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the GAMC (G.A. Mangun Center) Auditorium. This unique service features student worship leaders and is supported by a student team that provides everything from music and media to sound, lights, and cameras. With contemporary music, high energy, and timeless messages, REFUGE High School services are geared to the high school student. REFUGE is a vibrant student ministry connecting with youth not only in Sunday School or a POA Wednesday service, but through group gatherings, outings, activities and events.
REFUGE- College and Career
REFUGE College and Career ministry reach unmarrieds ages 19-24. Students/Young Adults meet in the College & Career room each Sunday at 9:00 AM and each Wednesday at 7:00 PM for a gathering designed just for them.
In addition to regularly scheduled services, students have the opportunity to participate in special events, such as annual retreats, lock-ins, group gatherings, and other fellowship activities.